
Perform Whois Lookup using DomainTools

Perform Whois Lookup using DomainTools

Here, we will gather target information by performing Whois lookup using DomainTools

Open Mozilla Firefox. In the address bar of the browser place your mouse cursor, type http://whois.domaintools.com and press Enter. The Whois Lookup website appears, as shown in the screenshot

Now, in the Enter a domain or IP address… search bar, type www.airbnb.com and click Search.

This search result reveals the details associated with the URL entered, www.airbnb.com, which includes organizational details such as registration details, name servers, IP address, location, etc., as shown in the screenshots.

This concludes the demonstration of gathering information about a target organization by performing the Whois lookup using DomainTools.

You can also use other Whois lookup tools such as SmartWhois (https:// www.tamos.com), Batch IP Converter (http://www.sabsoft.com), etc. to extract additional target Whois information.


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