
Perform Reverse DNS Lookup using Reverse IP Domain Check and DNSRecon

Perform Reverse DNS Lookup using Reverse IP Domain Check and DNSRecon

DNS lookup is used for finding the IP addresses for a given domain name, and the reverse DNS operation is performed to obtain the domain name of a given IP address.

Here, we will perform reverse DNS lookup using you get signalโ€™s Reverse IP Domain Check tool to find the other domains/sites that share the same web server as our target server.

Here, we will also perform a reverse DNS lookup using DNSRecon on IP range in an attempt to locate a DNS PTR record for those IP addresses.

DNSRecon is a Python port of a Ruby script that I wrote to learn the language and about DNS in early 2007. This time I wanted to learn about Python and extend the functionality of the original tool and in the process re-learn how DNS works and how could it be used in the process of a security assessment and network troubleshooting.

Now type ./dnsrecon.py -r and press Enter to locate a DNS PTR record for IP addresses between

Here, we will use the IP address range, which includes the IP address of our

target, that is, the certifiedhacker.com domain (, which we

acquired in the previous steps.

-r option specifies the range of IP addresses (first-last) for reverse lookup brute


This concludes the demonstration of gathering information about a target organization by performing reverse DNS lookup using โ€œyou get signalโ€™sโ€ Reverse IP Domain Check and DNSRecon tool.


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