
Perform Network Tracerouting in Windows and Linux Machines

Perform Network Tracerouting in Windows and Linux Machines

The route is the path that the network packet traverses between the source and destination. Network tracerouting is a process of identifying the path and hosts lying between the source and destination. Network tracerouting provides critical information such as the IP address of the hosts lying between the source and destination, which enables you to map the network topology of the organization. Traceroute can be used to extract information about network topology, trusted routers, firewall locations, etc.

Here, we will perform network tracerouting using both Windows and Linux machines.

Here, we will consider www.airbnb.com as a target website. However, you can select a target domain of your choice.

open the Command Prompt window. Type tracert www.airbnb.com and press Enter to view the hops that the packets made before reaching the destination.

Type tracert /? and press Enter to show the different options for the command, as shown in the screenshot.

Type tracert -h 5 www.airbnb.com and press Enter to perform the trace, but with only 5 maximum hops allowed.

After viewing the result, close the command prompt window.

Now open kali linux terminal and do the same procedure

type traceroute www.airbnb.com and press Enter to view the hops that the packets made before reaching the destination.

Since we have set up a simple network, you can find the direct hop from the source to the target destination. However, screenshots may vary depending on the target destination.

This concludes the demonstration of performing network tracerouting using the Windows and Linux machines.

You can also use other traceroute tools such as VisualRoute (http:// www.visualroute.com), Traceroute NG (https://www.solarwinds.com), etc. to extract additional network information of the target organisation


One response to “Perform Network Tracerouting in Windows and Linux Machines”

  1. […] disclosure overlaps with an escalation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which has been accompanied by a surge in malicious hacktivist […]

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