
Gather Information using Deep and Dark Web Searching

Gather Information using Deep and Dark Web Searching

The deep web consists of web pages and content that are hidden and unindexed and cannot be located using a traditional web browser and search engines. It can be accessed by search engines such as Tor Browser and The WWW Virtual Library. The dark web or dark net is a subset of the deep web, where anyone can navigate anonymously without being traced. Deep and dark web search can provide critical information such as credit card details, passports information, identification card details, medical records, social media accounts, Social Security Numbers (SSNs), etc.

GO to https://www.torproject.org/ selcet your based on os & download and install it..!

The Connect to Tor page appears. Click the Connect button to directly browse through Tor Browserโ€™s default settings.

After a few seconds, the Tor Browser home page appears. The main advantage of Tor Browser is that it maintains the anonymity of the user throughout the session.

As an ethical hacker, you need to collect all possible information related to the target organization from the dark web. Before doing so, you must know the difference between surface web searching and dark web searching.

To understand surface web searching, first, minimize Tor Browser and open Mozilla Firefox. Navigate to www.google.com; in the Google search bar, search for information related to hacker for hire. You will be presented with much irrelevant data, as shown in the screenshot.

Now switch to Tor Browser and search for the same (i.e., hacker for hire). You will find the relevant links related to the professional hackers who operate underground through the dark web.

Tor uses the DuckDuckGo search engine to perform a dark web search. The

results may vary in your environment.

By default, All regions search parameter is selected. However, you can click the down arrow to view the drop-down options and select a region of your choice, this specifies the country of VPN/Proxy.

Search results for hacker for hire will be loaded, as shown in the screenshot. Click to open any of the website from the search results (here, https:// www.hackerforhire.com)

hackerforhire is an example. These search results will help you in identifying professional hackers. However, as an ethical hacker, you can gather critical and sensitive information about your target organization using deep and dark web search.

You can also anonymously explore the following onion sites using Tor Brower to gather other relevant information about the target organization:


  • The Hidden Wiki is an onion site that works as a Wikipedia service of hidden websites. (http:// zqktlwiuavvvqqt4ybvgvi7tyo4hjl5xgfuvpdf6otjiycgwqbym2qad.onion /wiki)
  • FakeID is an onion site for creating fake passports (http:// ymvhtqya23wqpez63gyc3ke4svju3mqsby2awnhd3bk2e65izt7baqad. onion)
  • Cardshop is an onion site that sells cards with good balances (http:// s57divisqlcjtsyutxjz2ww77vlbwpxgodtijcsrgsuts4js5hnxkhqd.onion)
  • You can also use tools such as ExoneraTor (https:// metrics.torproject.org), OnionLand Search engine (https:// onionlandsearchengine.com), etc. to perform deep and dark web browsing.


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