
Gather Information from IoT Search Engines

Gather Information from IoT Search Engines

Gather Information from IoT Search Engines

IoT search engines crawl the Internet for IoT devices that are publicly accessible. These search engines provide crucial information, including control of SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems, traffic control systems, Internet-connected household appliances, industrial appliances, CCTV cameras, etc.
Here, we will search for information about any vulnerable IoT device in the target organization using the Shodan IoT search engine.

Launch any browser, in this lab we are using Mozilla Firefox. In the address bar of the browser place your mouse cursor and type https:// www.shodan.io/ and press Enter.

In the search bar, type Bently and press Enter.

You will obtain the search results with the details of all the vulnerable IoT devices related to amazon in various countries, as shown in the screenshot

This concludes the demonstration of gathering vulnerable IoT information using the Shodan search engine.

You can also use Censys (https://censys.io), which is an IoT search engine, to gather information such as manufacturer details, geographical location, IP address, hostname, open ports, etc.


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