
Gather Information About a Target Website using GRecon

Gather Information About a Target Website using GRecon

GRecon is a Python tool that can be used to run Google search queries to perform reconnaissance on a target to find subdomains, sub- subdomains, login pages, directory listings, exposed documents, and WordPress entries.

GRecon (Greei-Conn) is a simple python tool that automates the process of Google Based Recon AKA Google Dorking The current Version 1.0 Run 7 Search Queries (7 Micro-Plugins) on the spicified Target Providing Awsome Results

Open kali linux terminal and flow the below commands cd GRecon
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 Grecon.py

GRecon searches for available subdomains, sub-subdomains, login pages, directory listings, exposed documents, WordPress entries and pasting sites and displays the results.

GRecon initializes, in the Set Target (site.com): field type airbnb.com and press Enter.

It will take approximately 5 minutes to complete the search.

Attackers can further use the gathered information to perform various web application attacks on the target website.

This concludes the demonstration of gathering information about a target website using GRecon.


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