
Gather Employees’ Information from LinkedIn using theHarvester

Gather Employees’ Information from LinkedIn using theHarvester

LinkedIn is a social networking website for industry professionals. It connects the world’s human resources to aid productivity and success. The site contains personal information such as name, position, organization name, current location, educational qualifications, etc.

To launch kali linux machine,

In the login page, the attacker username as kali. Enter password as kali in the Password field and press Enter to log in to the machine.

A kali linux Terminal window appears. In the terminal window, type sudo su and press Enter to run the programs as a kali user.

In the [sudo] password for attacker field, type kali as a password and press Enter

In the terminal window, type theHarvester -d eccouncil -l 200 -b linkedin and press Enter to see 200 results of EC-Council from the LinkedIn source.

Scroll down to view the list of employees along with their job roles in EC-Council. This information from LinkedIn can help attackers in performing social engineering or phishing attacks.

This concludes the demonstration of gathering employees’ information from LinkedIn using theHarvester.


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