
Footprinting a Target using BillCipher

Footprinting a Target using BillCipher

BillCipher is an information gathering tool for a Website or IP address. Using this tool, you can gather information such as DNS Lookup, Whois lookup, GeoIP Lookup, Subnet Lookup, Port Scanner, Page Links, Zone Transfer, HTTP Header, etc. Here, we will use the BillCipher tool to footprint a target website URL.

Information Gathering tool for a Website or IP address, use some ideas from Devploit. BillCipher can work in any operating system if they have and support Python 2, Python 3, and Ruby.

sudo apt update && sudo apt install ruby python python-pip python3 python3-pip sudo apt install httrack whatweb
git clone https://github.com/GitHackTools/BillCipher
cd BillCipher

pip install -r requirements.txt pip3 install -r requirements.txt

python3 billcipher.py

BillCipher displays various available options that you can use to gather information regarding a target website.

In the What information would you like to collect? option, type 1 to choose the DNS Lookup option and press Enter.

The result appears, displaying the DNS information regarding the target website, as shown in the screenshot.

In the Do you want to continue? option, type Yes and press Enter to continue.

Similarly, you can use other information gathering options to gather information about the target.

This concludes the demonstration of footprinting the target website URL using BillCipher.


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