
Extract a Company’s Data using Web Data Extractor

Extract a Company’s Data using Web Data Extracto

Web data extraction is the process of extracting data from web pages available on the company’s website. A company’s data such as contact details (email, phone, and fax), URLs, meta tags (title, description, keyword) for website promotion, directories, web research, etc. are important sources of information for an ethical hacker. Web spiders (also known as a web crawler or web robot) such as Web Data Extractor perform automated searches on the target website and extract specified information from the target website.

We need to download web data extractor tool on windows and install it

Install & launch it

The Web Data Extractor Pro main window appears. Click new session to start a new session.

The Session window appears; type a URL (here, https:// www.hackerone.com) in the Start URL field. Check all the options, as shown in the screenshot.

Click Start to initiate the data extraction.
Web Data Extractor will start collecting information (Session, Meta tags, Emails, Phones, Faxes, Links, and Domains).

Click on Results tab to view the collected information about the website.

View the extracted information by clicking the tabs under Results

Now check the emails and phones and all meta data of the targeted url

Check for more information under the Fax, Link and Domain tabs.
This concludes the demonstration of extracting a company’s data using the

Web Data Extractor Pro tool.
You can also use other web spiders such as ParseHub (https://www.parsehub.com), SpiderFoot (https://www.spiderfoot.net), etc. to extract the target organization’s data


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